Everyone is invited to join us for any of the following ministries:
- Worship services – Sunday 11:00 a.m.
- Adult Bible Studies (mixed) – Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
- Choir Practice – Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.
- Men’s Breakfast – Wednesday mornings at 7:00 a.m.
- Monday Night Live (Senior’s Dinner) – 3rd Monday every month at 6:00 p.m.
- “Knox Clothes Hamper” – Open each Wednesday morning – 9:00 until 12 noon
- Community Dinner – 1st Friday of each month at 6:00 p.m. (sharp)
Coat Drive
Every day at Knox is a time of sharing and love. In early November 1999 Elder Anne Curwood accompanied by Vi Woods, Mina Henderson and Aileen Curwood visited the Salvation Army in Kitchener. They delivered 149 winter coats collected from the congregation and community. These coats were for distribution to the needy of our community. Since that first project, we have continued to collect coats every year and each year the number increases. God has richly blessed us with a giving congregation. Our prayers are with all those who receive these coats. May the Lord touch each one with his Spirit and bring them peace.
Knox Clothes Hamper
“Knox Clothes Hamper” is an outreach program of Knox-Elora offering gently used clothing (at no charge) to those in need (men, women & children). We are located on the lower level of Knox Church, 51 Church Street, Elora, ON, N0B 1S0. If you, or someone you know is in need, please visit our store on Wednesday mornings – 9 a.m. – 12 noon, or call the church office to make alternate arrangements. The church office is open – 9 a.m. – 12 noon Tues. – Friday – Phone: 519-846-0680.
Community Dinner
In association with our local Food Bank, Knox-Elora hosts a Community Dinner on the 1st Friday of each month at 6:00 p.m. (sharp). During the dinner, we also open the Clothes Hamper so those attending can shop and then have a bite to eat before going back home. Everyone is welcome at our Community Dinner!
Christmas Mitten Tree
Just before Christmas 1998, a local businesswoman, Esther Otto of Mainstreet Memories, donated a quantity of yarn to the church. The Knox Service Club decided to knit and turn the yarn into mittens. Others in the congregation quickly joined in and soon we had a tree sprouting mittens. They were given to the local food bank for inclusion in the Christmas baskets. One of Esther’s friends from Stratford overheard her talking about the project. She grabbed some wool, rushed home, and shortly twelve pairs of mittens and five sweaters appeared on the tree! The Mitten Tree returns every year from November to Christmas and continues with much success. Our prayers are answered every year as the tree’s boughs bow under the weight of donated mittens.
KnECT (Knox Elora Care Team)
KnECT is Knox-Elora’s Mission Team providing assistance to those in need both internationally (Nicaragua) and locally (Help With Your Home). This is a active and upbeat group whose strong faith and compassion enables them to reach out and make the world a better place for those in need. Our Knox community is truly blessed and inspired by this group.
Pastoral Care Team
Our Pastoral Care Team is the heart of our church community. They never miss an opportunity to brighten the day of the elderly, sick or lonely. They are a wonderful, caring group who share the light of God and never fail to bring a smile.
Bible Study
Thursday mornings, a faithful group comes together in our Fellowship Hall for Bible Study. This is an active and enthusiastic group who thoroughly enjoy following the Bible and learning how God’s word guides us through our everyday lives.